Open de Cata is a unique and different cupping championship that will be held within the Encuentros Cafeteros event in Barcelona. The contest includes the modalities of free cupping, sensory memory and triangulation.
To access the Open de Cata it is necessary to have been among the first 3 classified of the Championships of the League of the Open de Cata that have been realized in the different participating countries: Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Poland.
The champion will become the best taster in the world and also receive an important economic prize.
The 4 people who reach the grand final, with the best score between the sensory memory and triangulation tests, will receive a trophy or diploma that accredits their position officially and will also receive an important economic prize.
The prizes are as follows:
El primer paso de esta ronda es que los participantes caten durante 20 minutos 8 cafés de Brasil, América Central, África y Asia con la información del país de origen, finca, variedad y proceso. Durante este tiempo tienen que probar los cafés y memorizar las características únicas de cada lote.
Una vez que todos los participantes hayan realizado el paso anterior y apuntado sus notas pasamos a la siguiente parte en la que probarán los 8 cafés y han de recordar el sabor de cada taza, colocando las tazas en el lugar marcado para cada café según crean que sea cada una de ellas (se pueden utilizar las anotaciones realizados en el paso anterior).
This phase of the championship has the same protocol as the First Part but this time with coffees representing only two countries, in total 6 coffees. In front of the participants will be placed 6 thermos prepared in filter and will have 20 minutes for the tasting of coffees. During this time they have to test, describe and memorize the unique characteristics of each lot.
After 20 minutes rounds of 4 participants will be organized and the 6 coffees will be tested, this time without the marked name, now the participants have to taste and place the cups as they think each cup corresponds.
This part of the championship has the same reglamanto that the World Cup Tasters Championship, with the difference that the participants have 6 minutes and 6 triangulations to taste. Within each triangle there are two cups with the same coffee and one cup with different coffee. During these 6 minutes, the tasters must find the different cup and separate it from the rest.
For each successful cup the competitor will have one point and if there is a tie between several people, priority will be given to the person who has tasted in a shorter time.