10 facts about coffee fermentation
We resume the round table about Coffee Fermentation organized by La Marzocco at Out of the box event.
There were be 4 speakers at the Round table: Leonardo Moço, Joaquín Parra, Axel Simon and Rodolfo Ruffatti. The discussion was moderated by Carlos Moral from Hidden Coffee. The main objective of the round table was to highlight the main facts about coffee processing and fermentation.
Fact №1. Fermentation is not just a trend but a necessity
All speakers agreed that experiments are not a temporary trend but a market demand for new quality profiles. The number of fermentation experiments will be increasing.
Fact №2. Fermentation recipes are not replicated
The wide range of factors that influence fermentation results do not leave an opportunity for repeating the same fermentation process at farms.
Fact №3. The objective of experiments is to make coffee’s organoleptic profile better
No matter if a fermentation technique works for a particular origin, or it can be used to enrich organoleptic profiles of any region.
Fact №4. If you want to conduct an experiment you should pay for the result no matter if it is good or bad
In order to build a trustful relationship with coffee producers the one who initiates a new project at origin should assume all the risks of the experiment. Regardless of its result the initiator covers all costs: berries, water, human resources and others.
Fact №5. Fermentation improves quality but it is not enough
Fermentation will not give a good result if other requirements for high-quality collection, processing and storage of coffee are not met.
Fact №6. Fermentation is not a panacea
There will always be consumers who prefer good classic profiles.
Fact №7. Fermentation has no limits but coffee does
Both wine and vinegar are made from grape but they are not the same. There is a point in fermentation process after which coffee beans can not be called coffee.
Fact №8. No one knows fermentation limit
There is not enough experience yet to know where is this point.
Fact №9. Fermented coffee has brighter descriptors
Regardless of the origin fermentation provides more exotic profiles.
Fact №10. Fermentation will allow specialty Robusta to be an alternative to Arabica
Nowadays there are a lot of projects initiated with this objective. Mare Terra Coffee also works to make high quality specialty Robusta. You could try these experimental lots on Encuentros Cafeteros on October 25-26 in Barcelona.