Coffee Roasting: Loring15 VS Giesen15
March 17-18, Moscow will host the author’s experimental course “Loring15 VS Giesen15 ”, organized by Timur Dudkin, Mare Terra Institute’s Trainer. Within the course participants will compare two different roasting systems developing their practical roasting skills. There are 150 kg of coffee, 4 profiles, 2 roasters and 2 weeks of cuppings waiting for you.
Course program
March 17, 2019, Sunday
Giesen 15 kg.
Location: West4Coffee, st. Olkhovskaya 14/8
9 am - 2 pm. The theoretical part.
Thermal Transfer features: how do they effect on roasting process, coffee physics and coffee chemistry.
3 pm - 6 pm. Practical part.
Calibration roasting and calibration cupping.
For roasting, there are 3 different types of coffee: natural premium coffee 80+, washed premium coffee 83+, specialty 86+. Each coffee will be roasted by 4 different profiles: short and long espresso, short and long filter.
March 18, 2019, Monday
Loring 15 kg.
Location: Skuratov Coffee Roasters, Kutuzovsky Pr. 36/39
9 am - 2 pm. Practical part.
Calibration roasting and calibration cupping. For roasting, there are the same 3 types of coffee and 4 profiles.
3 pm - 6 pm.Comparative cupping of 24 samples of roasted coffee.
Sensory analysis and profile analysis.
Each participant will receive 24 samples of coffee, which will need to be analyzed according to the special protocol on the 5th, 10th and 15th day after roasting. The organizers will collect information about changes in sensory profiles, analyze them and provide the results to all participants for further discussion.
How to participate?
You must register and make a prepayment on the website: https://www.iecafe.es/en/inicio/191-roasting-course-coffee-roaster-battle.html
About Mare Terra Institute
Mare Terra Institute was established in 2008 by Rafael Moral, the founder of Mare Terra Coffee company. In 2016 It got SCA training certifications for all the existing disciplines. Within 10 years it gained recognition in Europe and beyond as Spanish Coffee Institute. In 2019 the Institute was renamed. The main goals of Mare Terra Institute have always been specialists developments in the entire coffee chain, as well as spreading the culture of quality coffee production and consumption.