Hey, roaster! Sergey Stepanchuk
Hey, roaster! We talk to roasting masters from all over the world and ask them the same questions.
Hey, Sergey Stepanchuk, Laboratoria Coffee (Russia)!
What does your typical day look like?
I rarely have two identical working days, and I have long given up trying to systematize my schedule... maybe that's why I do what I do.
How long do you work in the coffee industry?
16 years
Your professional dream is...
A dream is something unattainable, people dream about impossible things. I try to be more rational. Do not dream, but set goals.
What roasting machine do you roast on?
Now I have 3 Giesens: 200 grammes, 15kg and 60kg. Recently, I use 200 grammes’ machine more often than others.
How do you choose green coffee?
According to the principle “I will be able to sell it or I will not be able to sell it”, but always with the obligatory condition: I should love this coffee.
Current trends that affect your work
Cops stop me every morning in Butovo (xD - editor's note).
Your favorite drink, if not coffee:
Tea, all sorts of lemonade, beer and bourbon.
Other hobbies?
Fishing and playing guitar. I do not play professionally, rather, it's like a meditation for me.
When you were a child, what did you dream you´d become?
An engineer like my dad.