Kyril Lebedev, Belarus Brewers Cup Champion
Kyril Lebedev is the roaster behind Knot Coffee Roasters and the current Belarus Belarus Brewers Cup champion. He is currently in Boston, but last week he stopped by our offices for a visit. We discussed his preparation for the world championship.
Kyril, what coffee did you choose and why?
Well, I was looking for a coffee that could reflect the evolution of specialty coffee culture but at the same time would preserve the specificity of a region. I have chosen an experimental lot from Ethiopia. The changes we can observe now in this country are very exciting! I am talking about coffee processing experiments. They give incredible opportunities for coffee producers as well as for coffee consumers.
In general, how do participants choose coffee for championships? Do you have an algorithm or a checklist?
Hmm... I have to start by considering the time of the year. Seasonality is very important. When we have determined the region, we begin to try different coffees. I should fall in love with the coffee I choose! The third issue is the budget. It is necessary to estimate not only the cup potential, but your financial capacities as well.
Two years ago you became Belarus Aeropress Champion and you presented your country in Seoul. What is the difference between your preparation now and the preparation you had 2 years ago?
I won the Aeropress Championship when I was not working so closely with coffee. Therefore, I was not so scrupulous about the preparation. Also, you do not need to make a speech for the Aeropress Championships. You just prepare a beverage with the coffee you are given. This time, I have to arrange many things: choose the coffee, choose the brewing method, organise my presentation, the logistics…
Please, share your emotions about the upcoming championship.
I am very happy to have an opportunity to participate at the world championship and to share my vision of the industry. At the same time, I feel responsible to people who have put their hearts in the coffee I will brew.
What are your expectations for the trip?
There is no way to get away from the thrill :) But I will definitely enjoy meeting so many coffee professionals. It would be nice to see the city and the exhibition as well.
Dear Kyril, enjoy your time in Boston and all the best of luck at the championship!