Pack tester: Nicaragua
Premium Washed 1
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Washed
- Chocolaty
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compare a Peaberry with a classic blend from the same region
TipTop Washed & Honey 1
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Washed vs Honey
- Fruity vs Chocolaty
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compara entre dos técnicas de proceso y fermentación de la misma finca, misma variedad y misma altura
TipTop Washed & Natural 1
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Washed vs Natural
- Fruity vs. Floral
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compara entre Natural y Washed de la misma región
Specialty Washed 1
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Washed
- Fruity
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compare two different recipes for Washed lots
Specialty Natural 1
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Natural
- Winey
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compare two different recipes for Natural lots
Specialty Washed & Natural 1
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Natural vs Washed
- Fruity vs Winey
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compare two recipes by Mare Terra Coffee
Specialty Washed & Natural 2
- Nueva Segovia
- 2020
- Arabica
- Natural vs Washed
- Fruity
- Vacuum box 10kg
- 2 (5kg + 5kg)
- Compare lots from neighbouring farms